Signed Photo Manuel Sánchez Marble, Mexican Newspaper Editor Politician

Signed Photo Manuel Sánchez Marble, Mexican Newspaper Editor Politician

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Rare original cabinet card of Manuel Sánchez Marble, inscribed in ink and signed Manuel, with a date of January 30, 1902.

Bio: He was born in the municipality of Cunducán, Tabasco, in 1839, he died in Mexico City in 1912. He studied at the seminary of San Juan Idelfonso, in 1865. In the Yucatecan capital he organized a literary circle, editor of the newspaper La garlandda; In the company of José Peón Contreras and Manuel Roque Castellanos, he founded the satirical newspaper La Burla, and in 1861 he made an anthology entitled Poetas Yucatecos y tabasqueños. Returned to Tabasco, he directed the weekly El Águila Azteca (1862), oriented to the republic. He was a local deputy, private secretary of the Governor Gregorio Méndez Magaña and Secretary General of the Government. Upon the triumph of the Republic, he founded the newspaper El Radical, in Mexico City. Federal Deputy (1871-1876), he acted politically alongside José María Iglesias, in whose cabinet he was Minister of Justice and Public Instruction (November 4, 1876 to December 1 of the same year). He returned to Tabasco to direct the Juárez Institute, just founded then (1876). He was a member of the Mexican Academy of Language and a Senator for Tabasco.

Cabinet card is about 7.25" x 5.25". Good or better antique condition with some age related spots. The back is blank and clean.