1860's town view of McClintockville (also McClintocksville) at Oil Creek / Oil City, PA.
In 1859, Colonel Edwin L. Drake drilled the first commercially successful oil well nearby, creating several petroleum boomtowns in the area. In the photo above, I can see one oil well to the right, and what looks like a second behind some trees.
Very rare CDV of a burgeoning, pre-Civil War oil town. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Drake Well Museum Collection owns on of the few other known copies of this CDV.
On the back is printed:
"McClintockville, Oil Creek, Pa.
A.D. Deming, Artist, Oil City, Pa."
Approximately 4" x 2.5". Very good antique condition, as shown. My first scan looks a little grainy but that is image degradation caused during uploading.. the original is nice.