Original CDV of Abram Furman Springsteen, signed in period ink on the back.
Springsteen was b. 05 July 1850 in Brooklyn, NY, but grew up in Indianapolis, IN, where he signed up at age 11 in Co. A., 25th Ind. Reg. on 15 Oct 1861; discharged 23 Dec 1861 on demand of his parents. Re-enlisted Co. I of the Ind. 63rd reg. with consent at age 12 as a drummer boy. Captured at the battle of Spring Hill, TN 29 Nov 1864 but escaped; fought across the south. Discharged 02 Jul 1865. Worked in the Federal Pension Dept. and Washington DC and the War Dept, transferred to Los Angeles, CA c1915.
CDV has mostly minor condition issues, mostly mount wear. The dimensions are 4" x 2.5" though the bottom looks slightly trimmed.
Shipping: Boxed & signed Priority Mail.
Springsteen was b. 05 July 1850 in Brooklyn, NY, but grew up in Indianapolis, IN, where he signed up at age 11 in Co. A., 25th Ind. Reg. on 15 Oct 1861; discharged 23 Dec 1861 on demand of his parents. Re-enlisted Co. I of the Ind. 63rd reg. with consent at age 12 as a drummer boy. Captured at the battle of Spring Hill, TN 29 Nov 1864 but escaped; fought across the south. Discharged 02 Jul 1865. Worked in the Federal Pension Dept. and Washington DC and the War Dept, transferred to Los Angeles, CA c1915.
CDV has mostly minor condition issues, mostly mount wear. The dimensions are 4" x 2.5" though the bottom looks slightly trimmed.
Shipping: Boxed & signed Priority Mail.