Two ninth-plate images of Eliza Mott Humphreys Marcy (1824-1878). She was the widow of Lieutenant Samuel Marcy U.S.N., who was killed on board USS Vincennes during the US Civil War.
The top image is an 1850s daguerreotype, with her identification pinned to the pad. Dag is in good or better condition with original seals intact, underside of the glass is a bit dirty and case covers are separated. Those "swipes" seen in my scan are on the outside of the glass and can wipe right off. I can't tell positively if those spots are on the plate or on the glass, so to avoid possible disappointment go ahead and assume they are on the plate. The bottom image is an early-1860s ambrotype of Eliza. She is wearing painted gold earrings and has tinted pink cheeks. Ambrotype is in very good condition with separated case covers. |