Original sixth-plate ambrotype of Anderson Cocke Morton (1797-1868) in his Civil War uniform. Looks like he's wearing a double breasted frock coat with painted gold buttons and holding a sword or Bowie knife? Under magnification I think I see a letter or design on at least one of the button... use hover/zoom on photo #1. His belt buckle and sword guard are painted gold, as well, and his cheeks are tinted pink.
Morton enlisted in 1861 at the age of 64 years old! Amazing! He served as 1st Lieutenant in the 4th Mississippi Cavalry (Abbott's Company). He was a prominent citizen, a wealthy farmer, postmaster.. I even found a census record of him online of owning two slaves.
He is not identified on this image, however, this ambrotype was acquired as part of a very small lot of images fresh from a Mississippi estate. The other images (1847 painted portraits by the renowned portrait miniature artist Dodge*) were identified as Mrs. Anderson Morton of Clarksville, Virginia, and his daughter Harriett and as of the time of this listing they are also available in this shop.
In 1847, Anderson Cocke Morton and his family lived in Clarksville, Virginia, but by the outbreak of the Civil War they were living in Okolona, Mississippi, which would explain the Mississippi connection. Because of the ID's of his wife and daughter, the location of the estate, and the age of the soldier, I don't think there is much doubt this is the A.C. Morton!
This is a "relievo" ambrotype behind mat and glass in half of a case. There is some light surface wear, which should be apparent in my enlargement, but the image is overall very good and the emulsion completely stable, not flaking or anything.
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Morton enlisted in 1861 at the age of 64 years old! Amazing! He served as 1st Lieutenant in the 4th Mississippi Cavalry (Abbott's Company). He was a prominent citizen, a wealthy farmer, postmaster.. I even found a census record of him online of owning two slaves.
He is not identified on this image, however, this ambrotype was acquired as part of a very small lot of images fresh from a Mississippi estate. The other images (1847 painted portraits by the renowned portrait miniature artist Dodge*) were identified as Mrs. Anderson Morton of Clarksville, Virginia, and his daughter Harriett and as of the time of this listing they are also available in this shop.
In 1847, Anderson Cocke Morton and his family lived in Clarksville, Virginia, but by the outbreak of the Civil War they were living in Okolona, Mississippi, which would explain the Mississippi connection. Because of the ID's of his wife and daughter, the location of the estate, and the age of the soldier, I don't think there is much doubt this is the A.C. Morton!
This is a "relievo" ambrotype behind mat and glass in half of a case. There is some light surface wear, which should be apparent in my enlargement, but the image is overall very good and the emulsion completely stable, not flaking or anything.
Boxed & insured Priority Mail. Optional discounted (boxed) Express Mail is available at checkout.