Four early-1850s daguerreotypes, three sixth-plates and one quarter-plate, of a Memphis, Tennessee woman, her husband, young daughters, and their African American slave nanny. The mother and the nanny are both holding the same little girl in their laps; in a third dag the older sister is posed by herself with a great hand tinted pink doll. She's also wearing a red coral necklace and gold jewelry. The little designs on the nanny's dress appear to be tinted blue. The quarter-plate daguerreotype shows the older girl with her father... same green dress and coral necklace... so these appear to be all photographed on the same day by the Memphis TN photographer Robert H. Wellington - "R.H. Wellington, Artist" is on two of the pads, though not very easy to make out. The third dag is missing its cover.
Possibly members of Adkisson / Orman family of Tennessee and Virginia.
The three 1/6 had their original seals intact, but with very dirty glass. The 1/4 was unsealed. I resealed all four with archival tape.. I did not clean the plates in any way, and then put the original glass back after cleaning. The outside of the glass has light scratches, particularly on the mother and girl in blue dress. The dags have tarnish, tarnish spots, halos (around the girl's gold jewelry in the 1/4), and minor, normal age issues, but having been sealed, there are no scratches or swipes. I seem to recall seeing a few tiny original mat abrasions, which I believe are all under the mats and not visible under normal viewing. * Please ask all questions before purchasing.
Boxed & insured PRIORITY EXPRESS MAIL or FedEx, TBD by seller at time of sale.